EDL 626: The Adult Learner: About this Course

The Adult Learner URL: https://libguides.cmich.edu/EDL626

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Course Objectives

A study of learning in adulthood, how to facilitate that learning, and the characteristics of adult learners.

After completing this course, the student will be able to:

  1. Recognize transitions that may occur in the lives of adults.
  2. Use knowledge of adult development and transitions to develop appropriate programs to meet learning needs.
  3. Discuss knowledge related to adult learning ability.
  4. Recognize barriers to participation in adult education.
  5. Understand and discuss different learning styles.
  6. Analyze the distinctions between learning differences, learning problems, and learning disabilities.
  7. Effectively work with adult learners who have learning differences, learning problems, and learning disabilities.
  8. Define self-directed learning and the process that are involved.
  9. Select and use the most appropriate methods, techniques, materials & devices given the nature of the learning objectives and participants.
  10. Create a learning environment which reduces barriers and promotes learning.
  11. Understand and explain the role of the instructor, or facilitator, of adult education.

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