Children's Literature: Betty A. McDonald Collection: Poetry

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Poetry satisfies the child’s natural response to rhythm” (p. 343)

Fine poetry is this distillation of experience that captures the essence of an object, a feeling, or a thought” (p. 341).

In every preference study that has been done, children prefer narrative rhyme and humorous voice” (p. 354).

Source: Kiefer, B. (2010). Charlotte Huck’s children’s literature. (10th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw Hill 

New Poetry Books

Suggested Poetry Books and Authors



Jane Dyer, Dorothy M Kennedy &  X. J Kennedy

Talking Like The Rain: A First Book Of Poems

John Frank  & Ken Robbins

Keepers: Treasure-Hunt Poems

Nikki Grimes & Javaka Steptoe


A Pocketful of Poems

Christine Heppermann

Poisoned Apples: Poems for You, My Pretty

Mary Ann Hoberman

My Song is Beautiful

J. Patrick Lewis & Lisa Desimini

Doodle Dandies: Poems That Take Shape

Marilyn Nelson & Philippe Lardy

A Wreath for Emmett Till

Bob Raczka & Nancy Doniger

Lemonade, and Other Poems Squeezed From a Single Word

Shel Silverstein

Where the Sidewalk Ends

Gary Soto & David Diaz

Neighborhood Odes


New Poetry Books

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