Medical Library Services: Labs, Tests, Calculators

This Library Guide is designed to primarily support the College of Medicine Curriculum. You will also be able to easily access resources from both the Mt. Pleasant and Saginaw libraries for the CMU College of Medicine! URL:

Labs, Tests, Calculators

Several of our medical resources have separate logins depending on your location. 

  • If you have a CMU Global ID and password, please use the CMU options from the links below.
  • If you are affiliated with Covenant HealthCare or Ascension St. Mary's and do not have a Global ID, please use the Knowledge Services options from the links below.
  • Freely available or open access resources require no logins and can be accessed from the links below.



These resources have been judged to be evidence-based. For more, please see the evidence-based pyramid on the Evidence-Based Medicine Research Guide.

Books and eBooks

Central Michigan University Libraries, 250 East Preston Street, Mount Pleasant, MI 48859 | (989) 774-1100 | Contact Us

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