FMD/WGS 280: Finding Sources

A guide for doing research in FMD/WGS 280: Queer Fashion URL:

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Articles and more

Below are some suggested databases to search to find articles on topics related to queer fashion. Remember that these databases index more than just articles, including books, book chapters, conference proceedings, etc., that can be good sources, as well.

As you explore and evaluate sources, take note of "subjects" and other terminology used in describing your topic. These can help you figure out the appropriate keywords as your topic develops.

**In addition to these suggested databases, consider exploring the Databases by Subject page for other databases that might relate to your particular topic. If you still need help, please feel free to contact the librarian for assistance!

Search CMU Libraries for Books, Articles, and More

in Multiple Resources
in Articles - Peer Reviewed

Arts, Media, and Design Librarian

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Katie Edmiston
Park Library 218

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