This course provides "an understanding of the university environment, value of learning, career guidance and student responsibilities."
After completion of this course, students will be able to:
- State why they are in college and articulate college goals and professional aspirations.
- Explain the value of a liberal arts foundation for their education, the general education requirements that exist at CMU, and the value of these requirements.
- Exhibit higher levels of academic skills to increase their success at CMU such as time management, effectively taking class and lecture notes, reading for comprehension, and utilizing information from library holdings and other scholarly resources.

- Demonstrate life skills that lead to success including financial responsibility, personal health and wellness and professional networks.
- Evidence acclimation to the university community through active and sustained engagement with faculty, service and civic opportunities, and cultural exploration.
- Express what constitutes academic integrity and principles of ethical reasoning.
- Articulate individual, cultural and ethnic differences and describe positive consequences of these differences.
- Integrate prior education and experiences with expectations for college-level learning, course content and instructional methods.