HDF 400: Developmental Assessment of Children: Find Articles

This guide is for Jenell Kelly's HDF 400 course. URL: https://libguides.cmich.edu/HDF400

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Find An Article

Find a Specific Article or Journal

Subject Librarian

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Stephanie Mathson
she / her / hers
Counseling; Educational Leadership; Human Development & Family Studies; Non-print Media; Recreation, Parks, & Leisure; Special Education; and Teacher Education
Park Library 228
(989) 774-3071

Locate and Retrieve Articles

From a Database:

Look for the FIND IT button. Clicking this button will provide you with a list of options to get the article:

  • Online (if available)
  • In Print 
  • Interlibrary Loan (request if not otherwise available)

From a Citation:

Use the "Citation Linker" to locate a specific article or journal.

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