I am Rebecca Renirie, and I am STEM and Medical Librarian for CMU Libraries. I support the College of Medicine, assisting students, staff, faculty, residents, fellows, and medical education partners in their research work. I support the School of Engineering and Technology as well as the College of Science and Engineering departments of Biology, Computer Science, Mathematics, and Statistics, Actuarial and Data Sciences. I provide research assistance and information literacy instruction in these areas, such as:
MA | Education | Central Michigan University | 2024
MLIS | Library and Information Science | Wayne State University | 2008
BS | Biological Sciences | University of Michigan-Dearborn | 2002
Selected Recent Works
My own research interests focus on information literacy in the sciences and evidence synthesis research in medicine.
Articles, Book Chapters, Proceedings, and Modules
VanAbel, M., Annis, J., Renirie, R. H., & Wood-Nartker, J. (Accepted/In Press). Biophilic approaches to learning environments for children with autism: A scoping review. Review Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. doi:10.1007/s40489-024-00484-9
Cannon-Rech, N., Brungard, A., Hamelers, R., Kuglitsch, R., & Renirie, R. H. (Accepted/In Press). Reflections on crafting a Framework companion document for and by science and technology librarians. In S. Lisbon & M. Wiley (Eds.), Teaching information literacy by discipline: Using and creating adaptations of the Framework. Association of College and Research Libraries.
Contaxis, N., Badger, K., Bohman, L., Gonzales, S., Kim, S., Koshoffer, A., Milliken, G., Newman, J., Otsuji, R., Renirie, R. H., Smith, K., Urmi, U., Yarnell, A., Ye, H., & Yee, M. (2024). Building on NIH's data sharing policy. Science, 384(6697), 747-748. https://doi.org/10.1126/science.adn5594
Harris, K., Rosinski, P., Wood-Nartker, J., & Renirie, R. H. (2024). Developing inclusive playgrounds that welcome all children – Including those with autism. Review Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 11(2), 433-441. doi:10.1007/s40489-022-00345-3
Renirie, R. H. (2022). Ethics and biodiversity data. In K. Getz & M. Brodsky (Eds.), The data literacy cookbook (pp. 175-178). Association of College and Research Libraries.
Smith, K., Rand, D., Farrell, S., Hayes, B., Renirie, R., Muilenburg, J., & Newman, J. (2022, June). Policy readiness checklist for librarians. Working Group on NIH DMSP Guidance. doi:10.17605/OSF.IO/UADXR
Renirie, R. H. (2020). Instruction through virtual reference: Mapping the ACRL Framework. Reference Services Review, 48(2), 243-257. doi:10.1108/RSR-09-2019-0060.
Renirie, R. H., & Harper, S. (2019). Flipped library instruction and scholarly resources: A citation analysis. Journal of Library and Information Services in Distance Learning, 13(4), 339-352. doi:10.1080/1533290X.2020.1713277.
Dickison, T., Peters, T., & Renirie, R. H. (Eds.). (2018). Eighteenth Distance Library Services Conference Proceedings. Mount Pleasant, MI: Central Michigan University.
Renirie, R. H. (2017). Retention of adult and traditional learners: Library strategies for student success. Journal of Library and Information Services in Distance Learning, 11(3-4), 314-329. doi:10.1080/1533290X.2017.1406876
Presentations, Workshops, and Posters
Renirie, R. H. (2022, April). Research data management (RDM): Investigating and designing services. Session presented for the Metropolitan Detroit Medical Group virtual webinar on Data Management.
Renirie, R. (2021, October). Ethics and biodiversity data. Panel session presented for the Association of College and Research Libraries Digital Scholarship Section Numeric and Geospatial Services Discussion Group virtual Data Literacy Cookbook Panel.
Renirie, R. H. (2020, August). Laboratory-based information literacy instruction using an interactive tutorial. Session presented at the 2020 Science Librarianship in the Time of COVID-19 virtual conference, hosted by the Boston Library Consortium Science and Engineering Community of Interest.
Renirie, R. H. (2020, July). Teaching learners at different education levels: Information literacy and adult learners. Panel session presented at the 2020 Adult Learners: Tailoring Library Services virtual pop up conference, hosted by the Michigan Health Sciences Libraries Association and the Michigan Academic Library Association.
Renirie, R. H. (2019, April). Supporting research in the field: Making a hidden collection discoverable. Poster session presented at the 2019 Association of College and Research Libraries Conference, Cleveland, OH.
Renirie, R. H. (2017, July). Data literacy in the biology undergraduate curriculum. Lightning talk presented at the 2017 Great Lakes Science Boot Camp, East Lansing, MI.
Weible, J., Cunningham, K., St. John, D., Renirie, R. H., & Francek, M. (2017, May). The “T” is not just in STEM: Technology to support learning in all classes. Session presented at the 2017 Great Lakes Conference on Teaching and Learning, Mount Pleasant, MI.