World Music: Find Books


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Selected Subject Headings

This list is intended to be a starting point for recognizing patterns in related subject headings. Here are some that might help get you started when looking for ethnomusicological information:

Those can then be followed by specific country names and/or word and phrases like:

-- Africa

-- Bibliography

-- Encyclopedias

-- History and criticism

-- Instruction and Study


Selected General Reference Books

Library Smart Search

in Multiple Resources
in Articles - Peer Reviewed

Classification Numbers

ML128 .E8 Ethnomusicology - Bibliography
ML3549 - 3370 North America
ML3572 - 3575 Central and South America
ML3580 - 3730 Europe
ML3740 - 3758 Asia
ML3760 - 3769 Africa
ML3770 - 3774 Australia, Oceania, etc.
ML3776 Secular Music of the Jews in all countries
ML3796 - 3799 Ethnomusicology


Because keyword searching in any search tool is imperfect, another useful way to find related books that you might otherwise miss is to browse the shelves or use the browse feature in Smart Search with your selected call number(s). Use these call number ranges to browse for books on music in these regions. See below for an example of browsing by Library of Congress call numbers in Smart Search.

If you need assistance figuring out which call numbers are best to browse for your topic, please contact me with your topic and question. I can help!

Selected Research Guides/Bibliographies

Subject Librarian

Profile Photo
Katie Edmiston
Park Library 218

Book Series

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