PHL 490: Senior Seminar in Philosophy: Web Resources
This guide has been created for Professor John Wright's PHL 490, Senior Seminar in Philosophy, by Aparna Zambare.URL:
This web site,, aims to provide a free and open access collection of almost everything written by the great Enlightenment thinker, David Hume, alongside bibliographies and links to Hume scholarship on the web. It is being developed by Peter Millican and Amyas Merivale, at Hertford College, University of Oxford. This site is developed by Hume scholars, for Hume scholars. collection of texts from the history of philosophy tracing the development of ideas on the relation between consciousness and matter; includes 120 philosophers over the course of 400 years.
The OED is widely regarded as the most significant dictionary of the English language, offering the meaning, history, and pronunciation of more than 600,000 words —past and present— from across the English-speaking world.