AAD: Academic Advancement: Creating Your Future

URL: https://libguides.cmich.edu/aad

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Creating your Future

This section provides resources that will help you understand your role in keeping the CMU learning environment honest, safe and secure. That encompasses issues from possessing academic integrity to engaging in sustainable practices. You will also find sources here for career exploration, resume writing, and job hunting.

Library Resources About Plagiarism and Academic Integrity

Books from the Library on Careers Fields and Resume Writing

Here are several examples of the breadth of library books on drafting resumes and cover letters, as well as searching for jobs in a variety of career fields. Find more books by searching the library catalog by keyword. There are also several series of career-exploration books (in print and/or electronic formats) from a company called VGM. See VGM Careers for You SeriesVGM Opportunities SeriesVGM Professional Careers Series, and VGM Professional Resumes Series.

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