HPS 101: Introduction to Health Professions: Health Career Websites, Occupational Outlook Handbook, and Streaming Videos

URL: https://libguides.cmich.edu/HPS101

Occupational Outlook Handbook

CMU Resources

Helpful Web Sites

General Career Resources

Occupation-Specific Career Resources

Most health careers have one or more professional organizations for the people who work in that field. The websites of these associations provide information for people who are currently working in that field, but they usually also offer resources and information (and sometimes even scholarships) for students interested in working in the field.

If you don't see your health career in the list below, try searching Google for [name of career] + association or organization. If you're finding a lot of international groups, try adding United States or national to your Google search. For example, you might type:

registered dietician association

college athletic trainer national organization

Films on Demand - Health and Medicine Collection

Spotlight on Careers in Medicine

Physician Assistant

Healthcare and Technology (Careers)

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