Step 1: Do a search of a database
Step 2: Chose an article from the results
Step 3: Click on the article icon
Please Note: A box will appear in the lower left hand corner of your browser indicating that Zotero is saving your citation.
Further: To look at your saved item, click on the word "Zotero" in the bottom left corner of your browser window.
Please note: This will bring up a list of your saved citations.
Step 1: Do a search of a database.
Please note: You will see this folder icon on any page with citations that can be saved in Zotero.
Step 2: Click on that folder will bring up a list of the items on that page. Make your selections by checking the boxes next to the items you'd like to save.
Please note: The items that have been saved will be listed in this small box in the bottom left corner.
Further: To look at your saved items, click on the word "Zotero" in the bottom left corner of your browser window.
This will bring up a list of the items you've saved.