"ComScore is a trusted partner for planning, transacting and evaluating media across platforms." Search for market reports, trends, and latest news/opinions. You may need to create a free account to access some material.
"Comscore is a trusted partner for planning, transacting and evaluating media across platforms." Click here to see the latest rankings of digital media, video, TV, and more.
The IAB creates reports on "selling, delivering, and optimizing digital advertising or marketing campaigns". Check out their Industry Research and Insights or Knowledge Center for information on advertising for different industries. Create a free account to download full reports.
"Nielsen compiles and reports audience estimates for all radio stations in its surveyed markets, subject to its minimum reporting standards. The estimates for all reported stations are available only to Nielsen Radio Market Report subscribers."
"Discover what Americans are watching, reading, playing, browsing, buying and more. These Top Ten lists are compiled on a weekly, monthly or quarterly basis."
Radio Audience Ratings--Market populations and research Companies providing data. Radio audience ratings are available for 330 U.S. markets, listed alphabetically.
"TVB actively promotes local media marketing solutions to the advertising community."
Non-members can view some of the research content on their site for free. Click on the Research, Measurement, and Analytics tab to start exploring.
Site of the national association for those in the field of communication studies. The website provides information about the ACA, a collection of materials on communication law and First Amendment issues, American Communication Journal, resources for teaching and research in communication studies, and an extensive reference resource page for scholars.
An international association of approximately 3,400 journalism/mass communication faculty, students, administrators, and professionals. AEJMC's members come from more than 30 countries, with the majority working in the United States and Canada. Founded in 1912, AEJMC is the oldest and largest association of journalism and mass communication educators and administrators at the college level.
According to its mission statement, “the National FOI Coalition joins First Amendment and open government organizations from individual states in a self-supporting alliance as they seek to protect the public's right to know through the education of media professionals, attorneys, academics, students and the general public.”