Use the resources below to find profiles for your company; the resources are separated by public, private, and nonprofit. If you don't know the status of your company, use the search below.
Publically-traded companies: Wal-Mart, General Electric
Privately-held companies: IKEA, Subway Restaurants
Nonprofit/Not-for-Profit organizations: National Public Radio, Henry Ford Health System
Covers 10,000 national and international public companies. Includes business profiles, stock & bond information, financial statements, annual reports, SEC filings, competitors and executive/officer information
If your company is public, look up its stock symbol here. You can use the stock symbol to more easily look up information on your company.
Often you can find financial data( including annual reports) online on the company website. However, it's not usually found on the public-facing web page, which is usually intended for sales. Search for your company's website and see if you find a link that says something like Inc., Investors or Investor Relations, Company Information, or Corporate Information; if your company is nonprofit, check for the label About Us. This link is usually somewhere in the footer of the public website (or sometimes in the header or left-side navigation) and will take you to the website for the company's shareholders or donors.