U.S. Census: About

URL: https://libguides.cmich.edu/census

What you'll find in this guide

This is what you'll find in the different tabs on the top of this guide:

  • Decennial Census: finding data from the censuses that have been conducted in the USA every ten years since 1790.
  • Surveys Intercensal Years: finding data gathered between the decennial censuses. For example, ACS
  • Guides: companion information for getting the most out of the Census data resources: terminology, geography, etc.


Why is the U.S. Census important

What is the U.S. Census? Why is it important?

  • Constitutional requirement that every person in nation be counted at least once every 10 years beginning in 1790;
  • Primary purpose of the census is to provide population counts for reapportionment in determining number of representatives in the House of Representatives;
  • Primary source of data for small geographic areas;
  • Many Federal programs distribute funds based upon data from the census, i.e., population, income and employment.

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Rui Wang
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Email: wang1r@cmich.edu
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