PSC 150: Introduction to International Relations: Journal Articles


Journal Articals

Scholarly journal articles generally contain the following elements:

  • The authors are scholars or researchers with known affiliations and credentials.
  • The article contains full citations to other scholarly sources
  • Scholarly articles are often peer reviewed by experts before being accepted for publication.

Research literature can be defined as written reports from research studies. There are many types of research literature, with published research articles representing the most common source for research literature. Other sources include dissertations, books, and internet websites. Published research articles, for some, are considered the most trustworthy type of research literature. When identifying articles, it is most important to consider the origin of the work....Read more

PSC 150: Library Tutorial

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Subject Librarian

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Rui Wang
Social Sciences Librarian / Professor / Official Representative (OR) of the Interuniversity Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR)

Office: Park Library 232

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