Biology: BIO 112 Primary and Review Articles


Create Your Citations

Format your citations as follows (CSE Name-Year method):

Author AA, Author BB, Author CC. Year. Article title: only capitalize the first word and proper nouns. Abbreviated Journal Title. VolumeNumber(IssueNumber):Page-Page or ArticleNumber.

Wang W, Li B, Zhao X, Zhang S, Li J. 2025. LIght intensity moderates photosynthesis by optimizing photosystem mechanisms under high VPD stress. Plant Physiol Biochem. 218:109322.

Stirbet A, Lazár D, Guo Y, Govindjee G. 2020. Photosynthesis: basics, history and modelling. Ann Bot. 126(4):511-537.


  • List up to 10 authors. If an article has more than 10, add et al. after the 10th person.
  • Some journals do not have issue numbers. If there isn't one, do not list it in the citation.
  • Some journals provide an article number instead of page numbers. List whichever is provided.

Linked below is the first page of an example article with the pieces of the citation highlighted, as well as a worksheet to help you format citations using those pieces.

CSE Style Resources

Review Articles v. Primary Research Articles

Confusingly, a review article does not mean a peer-reviewed article! By "Review", this is a scholarly article characterized by a summary of current research. The authors did not conduct original research studies, but rather provide an overview of the published literature on a topic, see how the research has developed over time, and draw connections between the studies that have been published.

A primary, or empirical, article reports the results of original research that makes a new contribution to what is known about a topic.

Both primary and review articles are examples of scholarly research! For more, please take a look at the following video (5 minutes, 50 seconds).

Search for Articles

Assignment Instructions

By the end of this session, you will leave with a bibliography of 5 article citations, a mixture of review and primary literature, to turn into your lab instructor. You will use one review article and two primary articles in your final lab report.

Use Web of Science (link is on the left side of this page) to search for articles related to your topic.

TOPIC: photosynthesis

The advanced search screen will allow you to add extra boxes for more keywords and phrases. Be sure to use quotations "like this" around your phrases to find the words in that exact order. To find articles on your topic, you may want to try combining words and phrases such as:

  • photosynthesis
  • chloroplasts
  • "chloroplast evolution"
  • chlorophyll
  • sunlight
  • respiration
  • transpiration
  • "transpiration stream"
  • glucose
  • "limiting factors"
  • "palisade layer"
  • stomata
  • phloem
  • xylem

You can use AND to search for multiple words and phrases, and use OR to search for words that are similar. An example search might be:
photosynthesis AND "chloroplast evolution". You can add additional phrases to focus your topic as needed around a species or aspect of photosynthesis.

Once you run a search, you will see a list of results in order from newest to oldest. You can also choose to sort the list from oldest to newest using the drop-down menu. Use the options on the left menu to choose reviews (articles that summarize other research) and articles (articles reporting results from primary research studies).

Once you click on an article you can read its abstract to see more about it. You can also use the Citation Network in the right column to see what previous articles your article used as references, and what future articles have cited your article. This is a great way to find related research.

To get to the full text of an article:

  1. Click on the Full Text Options drop-down on the top left of the article's page, or look beneath the article's information on the results page.
  2. Try the "Free Full Text From Publisher" or other full text links to get to the PDF.
  3. If this does not work, click on the maroon and gold Find It@CMU Libraries button.
  4. You should be redirected to the article's page (or the most current issue of the journal) if the article is available in full text. (If you receive an error, try searching for the article's title at or email Rebecca ( for help).
  5. On the article's page, look for a link that says PDF to get a downloadable or printable copy to save.
  6. If there is no full text option, you will be taken to a record page in the library Smart Search system.

By the end of this session, you will leave with a bibliography of 5 article citations, a mixture of review and primary literature, to turn into your lab instructor. You will use one review article and two primary articles in your final lab report.

Use Web of Science (link is on the left side of this page) to search for articles related to your topic.

TOPIC: signaling pathways in yeast mating

The advanced search screen will allow you to add extra boxes for more keywords and phrases. Be sure to use quotations "like this" around your phrases to find the words in that exact order. To find articles on your topic, you may want to try combining words and phrases such as:

yeast                               "cell signaling"
mating                             "signal transduction"
“yeast mating”                 Saccharomyces
pathway                           "Saccharomyces cerevisiae"
peptide                            pheromone
signaling                          receptor

You can use AND to search for multiple words and phrases, and use OR to search for words that are similar. An example search might be:
“Saccharomyces cerevisiae" AND pheromone AND pathway

Once you run a search, you will see a list of results in order from newest to oldest. You can also choose to sort the list from oldest to newest using the drop-down menu. Use the options on the left menu to choose reviews (articles that summarize other research) and articles (articles reporting results from primary research studies).

Once you click on an article you can read its abstract to see more about it. You can also use the Citation Network in the right column to see what previous articles your article used as references, and what future articles have cited your article. This is a great way to find related research.

To get to the full text of an article:

  1. Click on the Full Text Options drop-down on the top left of the article's page, or look beneath the article's information on the results page.
  2. If there is a "Free Full Text From Publisher" or "Free from Repository" button, use that to get to the full text.
  3. If not, click on the maroon and gold Find It@CMU Libraries button.
  4. You should be redirected to the article's page (or the most current issue of the journal) if the article is available in full text. (If you receive an error, try searching for the article's title at or email Rebecca for help).
  5. On the article's page, look for a link that says PDF to get a downloadable or printable copy to save.
  6. If there is no full text option, you will be taken to a record page in the library Smart Search system.

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