Biology: Writing in Biology


Molecular Biology of the Cell

Writing Papers in the Biological Sciences

CSE Style Resources

CSE Citation Style

Format your citations as follows (CSE Name-Year method):

Author AA, Author BB, Author CC. Year. Article title: only capitalize the first word and proper nouns. Abbreviated Journal Title. VolumeNumber(IssueNumber):Page-Page or ArticleNumber.

Wang W, Li B, Zhao X, Zhang S, Li J. 2025. LIght intensity moderates photosynthesis by optimizing photosystem mechanisms under high VPD stress. Plant Physiol Biochem. 218:109322.

Stirbet A, Lazár D, Guo Y, Govindjee G. 2020. Photosynthesis: basics, history and modelling. Ann Bot. 126(4):511-537.


  • List up to 10 authors. If an article has more than 10, add et al. after the 10th person.
  • Some journals do not have issue numbers. If there isn't one, do not list it in the citation.
  • Some journals provide an article number instead of page numbers. List whichever is provided.

Linked below is the first page of an example article with the pieces of the citation highlighted, as well as a worksheet to help you format citations using those pieces.

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