When considering grants, these programs can be broadly categorized as those awarded by the federal government and those awarded by non-federal entities. Within these two categories are a variety of funding sources and program types. The following are two lists for federal funding opportunities For non-federal entities, check the box on the right.
Candid (formerly the Foundation Center) Funding Information Network (FIN). FIN Partner Libraries provide access to and/or training in using Candid's premier database, Foundation Directory Online Professional, for identifying grant opportunities and potential funders. It has more than 242,000+ grantmakers. Grantmaker Profiles include:
CMU Library is NOT a member of FIN Partner, and does not have a subscription to Candid's database. To use Candid's Foundation Directory Online, you can use Candid's Directory of Funding Information Network Partner Libraries to identify other partner libraries closer to home. MSU Library allows non-affiliated visitors to access Candid at MSU Main Library.
Community Foundation Locator is a tax-exempt, nonprofit, autonomous, nonsectarian philanthropic institution. The site provides the list of accredited grant-making community foundations. FAQ