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CMU Library Liaison Librarian Program

How do liaison librarians support CMU's academic programs?

Subject liaison librarians provide the following services to support CMU's academic programs and departments:

  • Collection Development
    • Library collections are specially curated by subject liaison librarians to support their academic programs. Your liaison librarian works with the library to order and manage books, ebooks, journals, databases, research guides, and other resources in your area. A librarian can order your specific requests to be added to library collections, or work with our Documents on Demand service to provide you a copy from another library.
  • Accreditation and Program Reviews
    • Liaison librarians work with academic programs and departments for their accreditation or program reviews. Your librarian provides specific information and data on how the library collection and services support your program or department.
  • Support for Faculty Tenure and Promotion and Scholarly Communication
    • Librarians also support academic programs by providing resources and assisting faculty with their reappointment, tenure, and promotion, as well as scholarly communication.
  • Subject-Specific Knowledge
    • Subject liaison librarians are experts in library resources and research methods for your academic area. We hold subject-specific knowledge related to your discipline and leverage this knowledge to support faculty and students. Our passion for the subjects we liaise for can be seen in all of the ways we support and advocate for your academic program within the library.

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