16th Distance Library Services Conference: Panel Discussion Guidelines

URL: https://libguides.cmich.edu/dls2014

Important Dates

January 8, 2014 Registration opens
April 9, 2014 Registration closes
April 23, 2014 Conference begins

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  • Phone: 770-933-7669

Panel Discussion Requirements and Guidelines

Panel discussions are an opportunity for three or four presenters to interactively address an issue of importance to distance librarianship and should focus on helping attendees understand multiple perspectives on a topic. Active participation is an important element of these sessions, so panelists are encouraged to engage in debate, pose questions to the audience or each other, and help the audience engage actively.


  • Panel sessions should not exceed 55 minutes.

  • The use of Skype and other web conferencing tools is discouraged. Each session room will have Internet access; however, a connection robust enough for effective web conferencing cannot be guaranteed.

  • Panelists must submit an abstract for inclusion in the conference proceedings. The abstract must follow these guidelines:
    • A one-paragraph abstract must follow the title, author(s) and affiliation(s). Space the abstract two and one-half inches on the left and two inches on the right; right justify the abstract only.
    • Panel discussion abstracts must not exceed 250 words.
    • Abstracts should be in a Word document. Abstracts submitted in PDF or any other format will not be accepted. 
    • The deadline for submitting an abstract is December 6, 2013.


The following video from the Panel Sessions Committee of the Association of College & Research Libraries Conference provides tips and guidelines for running an effective panel:


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