16th Distance Library Services Conference: Submit a Proposal

URL: https://libguides.cmich.edu/dls2014

Important Dates

January 8, 2014 Registration opens
April 9, 2014 Registration closes
April 23, 2014 Conference begins

Contact Us

  • Email
  • Phone: 770-933-7669

Submit a Proposal

DLS Conference Proposal Instructions

Proposals for the DLS Conference must be submitted using the online form below. We advise you to have as much information as possible before beginning the process as proposals cannot be saved and submitted at a later date. Please read the following information before submitting a proposal:


Each proposal must designate a Lead Presenter. The Lead Presenter will receive notification of the proposal’s acceptance or rejection, and if accepted, will serve as the main point of contact for the Conference Planning Committee. The Lead Presenter will be expected to respond to requests for information from the Conference Coordinator and other committee members and to adhere to deadlines. The Conference Planning Committee reserves the right to make changes as necessary to ensure that the proposal is appropriate for the conference, and the Lead Presenter will be involved in all such changes.


The Lead Presenter is responsible for providing full contact information for co-presenters, if any, as indicated in the proposal form. This information is necessary for issuing author agreements, if required.


Choose the session format that best fits your proposal. Please read the short descriptions and requirements of each session type on the conference website under Call for Proposals.


The Program Advisory Board and conference attendees are drawn to creative and interesting titles.


Use creative and active language to briefly describe your session. For example:

  • “Shed the librarian stereotype of copyright whistleblower! Turn fearful faculty members into empowered copyright role models…”
  • “Have you heard about ‘embedded librarians’ and would like to know more? Have you considered embedding in online classes, but aren’t sure what’s involved? Join us as we explore…”
  • “Join a lively discussion on the role of distance librarians in a brave new world where students are no longer neatly defined as ‘on-campus’ or ‘distance.’ We will explore…”

If the proposal is accepted, the short description will be used in the conference program and may be edited by the Conference Planning Committee for style and clarity.


The detailed description should outline your session’s major points, it's relevance to distance librarianship, and how it is unique and different from other sessions addressing the same topic. It should be well-thought out and clearly worded. Do not identify presenters or institutions in your proposal; instead, replace your institution’s name with a descriptor such as “large public university.” Proposals containing presenter or institution names will be considered ineligible.


The Distance Library Services Conference does not provide funding, compensation or reimbursement for conference presenters, with the exception of the Keynote Speaker and the Conference Award winner. 

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