PSC 516 Environmental Politics & Policy: Starting Point


Online References Collections

The online reference collections provide a quick access to background information and key publications. 

Journal Articles

What is Research Literature?

Research literature can be defined as written reports from research studies. There are many types of research literature, with published research articles representing the most common source for research literature. Other sources include dissertations, books, and internet websites. Read more


  • PAIS Index (ProQuest) Covers global public policy and social issues in the fields of education, business, health, government, science, and law from 1977 to the present.
  • Environment Complete (EBSCO) provides hundreds of top environment journals and monographs covering agriculture, ecosystem ecology, energy, public policy, sustainability and other related subjects.
  • GreenFILE (EBSCO) a research database covering the environmental effects of individuals, corporations and governments and what can be done at each level to minimize negative impacts

Research Help

Having roadblocks during your research process? Need help to find appropriate sources to develop your research project? Click the button to make a one-on-one appointment with your librarian Rui Wang, Social Science Librarian / Professor , Email

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