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17th Distance Library Services Conference: Leaning Into... Sessions


Important Dates

Call for Proposals

Jan. 6-April 6, 2016

Conference Begins
April 20, 2016

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Leaning Into... Sessions

The 17th Distance Library Services Conference will be offering a new type of discussion session, called Leaning Into… sessions.

Leaning Into… sessions will provide an opportunity for attendees to engage more deeply in discussions related to “hot topics” that are represented in the conference program. Led by a panel of 2-3 conference presenters, with a facilitator to help keep the discussions moving forward and on topic, our hope is that these sessions will further engage and enlighten participants, allowing them to share ideas while learning from the expertise and ideas of their colleagues.

All Leaning Into… sessions will be held in the Sky Room (17th Floor) and are focused on key areas of interest related to distance library services, including:

  • ACRL Framework for Information Literacy (Wednesday, April 20, 2:10-3:05)
  • Open Educational Resources (OERs) (Wednesday, April 20, 3:20-4:15)
  • Communicating Library Value (Thursday, April 21, 9:55-10:50)
  • Instructional Design (Thursday, April 21, 1:40-2:35)
  • User Experience (Thursday, April 21, 4:05-5:00)

Attendees are also encouraged to use Twitter (#dls17) in advance of the sessions to alert our panels about specific areas of interest related to these topics.

The conference planning committee is excited about this new addition to the program. We hope you will find that the Leaning Into… discussions add value to the DLS Conference experience. 

Central Michigan University Libraries, 250 East Preston Street, Mount Pleasant, MI 48859 | (989) 774-1100 | Contact Us

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