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17th Distance Library Services Conference: Schedule


Conference Schedule

The following schedule is subject to change:

Tuesday, April 19:

3:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. Registration Pick-Up

Wednesday, April 20:

8:00 a.m - 5:00 p.m. Registration Pick-Up/Information Desk

8:45 a.m. - 10:45 a.m. Pre-Conference Workshops (registration required)

11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Welcome to Pittsburgh Information Session

Lunch (on your own to dine at one of the many local restaurants!)

1:00 - 4:15 p.m. Concurrent Sessions

6:00 p.m. Opening reception and dinner

Thursday, April 21:

7:00 a.m. - 8:40 a.m. Continental Breakfast

8:00 a.m - 5:00 p.m. Registration Pick-Up/Information Desk

8:40 a.m. - 10:50 a.m. Concurrent Sessions

10:50 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Poster Sessions

12:00 p.m. - 1:30 p.m. Lunch, with speaker

1:40 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. Concurrent Sessions

Dine Outs

Friday, April 22:

7:00 a.m.- 8:40 a.m. Continental Breakfast

8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Information Desk 

8:40 a.m. - 10:45 a.m. Concurrent Sessions

11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Learning Forward Sessions

12:00 p.m. - 1:30 p.m. Closing Lunch, with speaker

Wednesday, April 20

***Times and rooms are subject to change***


Registration Pick-Up & Information Desk





Conference A

Conference B


Pre-Conference Workshops

Finding the Missing Piece: Communicating Library Value to Complete the Assessment Puzzle

Track: Assessment

Best Practices in Instructional Design for Distance Information Literacy (IL) Courses

Track: Teaching & Learning

Reaching Out! Tools for Connecting with Distance Education Students

Track: Teaching & Learning

Providing Engaging Learning Opportunities in the Online Environment: From Faculty Outreach to Student Success

Track: Teaching & Learning


Welcome to Pittsburgh Information Session (Conference B)


Lunch (on your own to dine at one of the many local restaurants)


Kicking ASSessment: Using Information Fluency Assessment to Expand Librarian Roles, Engage in High-Impact Practices, and Create Sustained Contact with Online Learners

Track: Assessment

Flipping Out Over Online Library Instruction: A Case Study in Faculty-Librarian Collaboration

Track: Teaching & Learning

PREP: Outreach to Online Learners Through Admissions 

Track: Administration & Management

Creating a Community of Inquiry in Online Library Instruction

Track: Teaching & Learning

Mapping Uncharted Territory: Launching an Online Embedded Librarian Program

Track: Teaching & Learning


Applying Cognitive Load Theory Principles to Library Instructional Guidance

Track: Teaching & Learning 

Patron Driven Acquisition for eBooks in a Small Online Academic Library: Growing Pains and Assessing Gains

Track: Emerging Technologies

Leaning Into...

ACRL Framework on Information Literacy

Instructional Learning Objects in the Digital Classroom: Effectively Measuring Impact on Student Success 

Track: Assessment

Don't Get Left Behind: Moving Library Instruction Online

Track: Teaching & Learning


Don't Stop Believing: Mapping Distance Learners' Research Journeys 

Track: Assessment

Active Learning with Interactive Videos: Creating Student-Guided Learning Materials

Track: Teaching & Learning

Leaning Into...

Open Educational Resources (OERs)

Removing the Road Block to Students' Success: In-Person or Online? Library Instructional Delivery Preferences of Satellite Students

Track: Teaching & Learning

He Asked Me What!? - Using Shared Online Accounts as Training Tools for Distance Learning Librarians

Track: Administration & Management 


 Opening Reception (Grand Ballroom)

Thursday, April 21

***Times and rooms are subject to change***


Continental Breakfast (Grand Ballroom)


Registration Pick-Up & Information Desk





Conference A

Conference B


Hunting and Gathering: Attempting to Assess Services to Distance Learning Students

Track: Assessment

Evolution or Integration: What Is the Current State of Library Services for Distance Learners? 

Track: Administration & Management

Advisors, Faculty, and Librarians: Collaborating for Student Success 

Track: Teaching & Learning

Building an Online Curriculum Based on OERs: The Library’s Role

Track: Teaching & Learning

Globetrotting Students and Faculty: Adapting Library Instruction to Global Sites

Track: Teaching & Learning 


Morning Break (beverages)


In Their Own Voices: The Study Habits of Distance Education Students

Track: Teaching & Learning 

Behold the Power of the Donut: A Successful Case Study of DE Library, Departmental, Faculty & Student Collaborations

Track: Marketing

Leaning Into...

Communicating Library Value

From Assessment to Implementation: Using Qualitative Interviews to Inform Distance Learning Services

Track: Assessment

“If You Build It, Will They Come?” Piloting a Multi-Day Collaborative Research Workshop Within a Learning Management System

Track: Teaching & Learning


Poster Sessions (Urban Room)


Lunch, with Keynote Speaker, Dr. Stephanie Delaney (Grand Ballroom)


Finding the Balance in Online Library Instruction: Sustainable and Personal

Track: Teaching & Learning

Collecting and Applying Usability Data from Distance Learners

Track: Assessment

Leaning Into...

Instructional Design

Translating Information Literacy: Online Library Support for ESL Students

Track: Teaching & Learning

Hook, Line and Canvas: Launching a Professional Development Program to Help Librarians Navigate the Still and Stormy Waters of Online Teaching and Learning

Track: Teaching & Learning


Long Distance Relationships: Assessing the Library Service Needs of Rural Students in eLearning Courses 

Track: Assessment

Active Learning Works! Until It Doesn’t: Measuring the Effectiveness of Activity-Based Learning Exercises on Information Anxiety

Track: Teaching & Learning

Library Instruction for First Year Students Using a CMS Meta Course: Scalable and customizable!

Track: Teaching & Learning

Building Brand Love and Gaining the Advocacy You Crave by Communicating Your Library's Value

Track: Marketing


Afternoon Break (beverages & snacks)


Embracing Change: Adapting and Evolving Your Distance Learning Library Services to Meet the New ACRL Distance Learning Library Services Standards

Track: Administration & Management

10-Second Demos: Boiling Asynchronous Online Instruction Down to the Essentials with GIF Graphics

Track: Emerging Technologies

Leaning Into...

User Experience

My Website Reads at an 8th Grade Level: Why Using Plain Language Benefits Your Users (and You) 

Track: Assessment

Distance Librarians and OERs: Cultivating a Community of Practice to be More Effective Advocates 

Track: Teaching & Learning


Dine Outs

Friday, April 22

***Times and rooms are subject to change***


Continental Breakfast (Grand Ballroom)


Information Desk




Conference A

Conference B


Closing the Distance: Bringing a Personal Librarian Program to Online Learners 

Track: Teaching & Learning

Collaborative Metaliteracy: Putting the New Information Literacy Framework into (Digital) Practice

Track: Teaching & Learning

A Case of TMI (Too Much Information): Improving the Usability of a Library’s Website through the Implementation of an A-Z Database List (LibGuides 2) and LibAnswers

Track: Administration & Management

Evaluating Best Practices for Video Tutorials: A Case Study

Track: Teaching & Learning

Going Where They Are: Intentionally Embedding Librarians in Courses and Measuring the Impact on Student Learning

Track: Assessment


Card Sorting in an Online Environment: Key to Involving Online-only Student Population in Usability Testing of an Academic Library Web Site?

Track: Assessment 

Is Your Tutorial Pretty or Pretty Useless? Creating Effective Tutorials with the Principles of Multimedia Learning

Track: Teaching & Learning

Stats Don't Tell the Whole Story: Using Qualitative Data Analysis of Chat Reference Transcripts to Assess and Improve Services

Track: Assessment

Building a Path to College Success: Advocacy, Discovery and OER Adoption in Emerging Educational Models

Track: Teaching & Learning


Learning Forward

Track: Teaching & Learning

Learning Forward

Track: Assessment

Learning Forward

Track: Marketing

Learning Forward

Track: Emerging Technologies

Learning Forward

Track: Administration & Management


Closing Lunch, with Matthew Reidsma (Grand Ballroom)

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