"Government statistics" means factual information that is reported upon for statistical purposes by a unit of government. ...Government statistics are collected through censuses and surveys and from administrative records and other sources.
M. Straf. Government (2015) pp. 301-307 in James Wright International encyclopedia of the social & behavioral sciences (Second edition). Elsevier.
Bureau of Economic Analysis collects information on economic indicators, national and international trade, accounts, and industry.
Bureau of Labor Statistics measures labor market activity, working conditions, and price changes in the U.S. economy.
Bureau of Transportation Statistics provides data on airline on-time performance, pirates at sea, transportation safety and availability, motorcycle trends, and more.
Economic Research Service informs public and private decision making on economic and policy issues related to agriculture, food, the environment, and rural development.
U.S. Census Data and Statistics is the main source of data about our nation's people and economy.
National Center for Education Statistics researches education in the United States. It publishes the Digest of Education Statistics, which includes international comparisons of students, and the annual report to Congress, The Condition of Education, which reports the progress of American education.
National Center for Health Statistics is the principal health statistics agency for improving the health of the American people.
National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics publishes data on the American science and engineering workforce and the progress of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education in the United States.
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